No Frame


Defects in Crystals

© H. Föll


Hyperscripts of AMAT:
General Information


This is a list of books used in the preparation of the course; it is a rather random collection.
  Not all books are still available, and not all books can be borrowed from the library.
It is always mentioned, however, if and where you can get the book. Books with "lbf" signature can be taken out of the library.
There are many more books on the subject; I have not listed everything I know or are at least aware of.
There is also a listing of apocryphal books that are mentioned somewhere in the hyperscript; usually in side issues.


Ch. Kittel: Festkörperphysik (In English: Introduction to Solid State Physics)
  The standard text book for solid state physics. Not so good on (structural) defects, however.
8 copies available in library, lbf 114
W. Hayesand A. M. Stoneham: Defects and Defect Processes in Nonmetallic Solids
Usable, but contains at least one mistake in equations (not that it matters; there are certainly many mistakes in the Hyperscripts of AMAT). Covers mostly point defects in ionics and contains a lot of issues not covered in the course.
Not too clear, however, on the various notations for ionic point defects and the necessary precautions in doing thermodynamics.
1 copy in library, FA523
P. Haasen: Physikalische Metallkunde (only in German)
Contains much (but by far not all) of what is covered in the course and much more, especially the relation between deformation and dislocations.
13 copies available in library, lbf 190
D. Hull and D. J. Bacon: Introduction to Dislocations;
3rd Edition (Int. Series on Mat. Science and Technology, Vol. 37) Pergamon Press;
The book best matched to the course.
5 copies available in library, P 6801 37
J. P. Hirth and J. Lothe: Theory of Dislocations
Everything you possibly want to know about dislocations and even more of stuff you probably don't want to know. Also much about other defects. Used to be the "bible" of dislocation theory.
Available at the office, FA 1266
J. Bohm: Realstruktur von Kristallen (only in German)
Rather new; looks good. Section on ionic point defects is rather large, however not always detailed enough concerning the various notations and their uses.
A bit weak on grain- and phase boundaries, but contains lots of things not covered in the lecture.
Available in library, FA 3185
W. Bollmann: Crystal Defects and Crystalline Interfaces (out of print)
An "opus maximus". Everything about "Bollmann theory", recognizably written in an attempt to be very clear - but still rather hard reading. Bollmann may have been ahead of his time; O-lattice theory could be much easier now, with the computing power of a PC available everywhere.
Available at the office.
A. J. Moulson and J. M. Herbert: Electroceramics
Very short but concise treatment of point defects and kinetics from the chemical point of view.
A20 copies avilable in library, lbf 233
H. Schmalzried: Chemical Kinetics of Solids
Very advanced and mostly to different subjects. Hard to understand for beginners, but one of the authorities in case of doubt.
1 copy in library; FA 1053
Y. Kraftmakher: Lecture Notes on Equilibrium Point Defects and Thermophysical Properties of Metals.
Challenges conventional "wisdom" with respect to point defects. Interesting in particular areas.
Availabkle at the office; FA 3402

Books Mentioned Somewhere or Interesting in the General Context of the Course

H.-J. Queisser: Kristallne Krisen
(probably out of print)
Easy to read account of how come that crystals dominate modern society? Contains much about the development of microelectronics and the attitudes of modern states to that (Why could the Japanese conquer the market in the eighties?).
Available at the office
S. L. Sass: The Substance of Civilization.
Recent book about the history of civilization seen from a materials science point of view. Focus is on mid-east history, especially with regard to biblical and other sources.
In library; FA 2714
R. E. Hummel: Understanding Material Science - History, Properties, Applications
An unusual book: It contains the (very readable) history of major material science developments (potter, metals, ...) in dedicated chapters always followed by a chapter explaining the facts in modern scientific lingo (including equations etc.)
Makes fascinating reading!
In library; FA 2438
J. Horgan: The End of Science
A heavily criticized book, because it claims that there is only a finite number of really basic laws of nature - and that most of them were already discovered! Quantum theory with all its implications is covered in detail, but also biology and so on.
What makes the book recommended reading? There are many easy to read and quite entertaining notes from long discussions of the author with great scientists, including the well-known philosophers of science. This gives a concise picture of all the relevant philosophical underpinnings of science currently in vogue. And if you think that philosophical trends come and go, but never really influence hard science, you may or may not be right, but they certainly influence the way science is taught in the schools. So even hard-core scientist should know about this, if they are interested in the education of their children.
Not available in library; see me.